Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Big Move
Ryan and I started moving yesterday on Valentine's Day. I know, how romantic right? But how many people can say they got a house for V-Day?? Ryan loaded what he could into the truck by himself and as he unloaded the boxes into the new house, I unpacked. Don't worry everyone, I did NO heavy lifting. Grandma Donna came by to help- I think she wanted to make sure I didn't over do it :) We mainly worked on the kitchen.
Today Ryan's brother Nick and brother-in-law Dan are going to help with the heavy stuff: furniture and appliances. Mom is also going to help me unpack.
I swear, I need to just wear my camera around my neck. I forgot the darn thing at the new house! I was busy taking pictures and set it down on the coffee table and forgot it! Sooo my 28th weeks belly pic will be delayed along with pics of the house. Since our house is new and it's the only one on the street (for now), lines haven't been layed for cable. Right across the street Comcast has lines,which is who we have. Ryan decided to try At&T, but they won't be able to come out for 3 weeks!! (we needed a Saturday installation day).
That being said, our computer will be unhooked today. I will still try to keep our blog updated and pictures posted. Access to the Internet is restricted at work, so I will have to go to Mom's and Grandma's house to use their computer! I'm thinking a laptop will be in the near future....
Last note: Zac has to have tubes put in his ears tomorrow. Surgery is at 7:15am and we have to be there by 6:15am. What a crazy three-day weekend! I see my specialist and OBGYN later in the afternoon. At least we were able to schedule them on the holiday, less work I have to miss. Ryan and I know tubes are a routine procedure, but we're still worried since they have to put our little baby to sleep. Keep Zac in your thoughts tomorrow!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Goodbye Peculiar!
As some of you may know, Ryan and I have been trying to move back to the Blue Springs area to be closer to family since we are expecting twins. The timing hadn't been the best with the economy, but we found an awesome builder/agent and did a builder trade. We ended up closing within 2 weeks, it was a little stressful, but well worth it!
We closed on the house late this afternoon! We are going to move this weekend, over Valentine's Day, how romantic!
I will take pictures this weekend and post them.
We are so excited and thankful to be moving back to Blue Springs!!!!!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Freddie's New Do
Week 27
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Week 26 Dr. Appt.
And yet another doctor's appt. Between me and Zac, it feels like all I do is go to the doctor! This was to see my OBGYN and glucose (gestational diabetes) testing. Dr. Vandenboom said I looked good. We went over the signs of preterm labor again: any spotting/bleeding, cramping, contractions of more than 4 in an hour. I go back in 2 weeks. Luckily I was able to schedule it on Monday the 16th, I'm off work for the holiday, President's Day. I see the specialist at 8:30am and Vandenboom at 3:30pm. Not what I wanted to do on my day off, but at least I won't have to miss work! He'll see me again at 30 weeks, then weekly after that. Wow, I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by. He said if I make it to 37-38 weeks, then they'll induce me. I hope I make it that long. I don't want the girls on breathing tubes and have to leave them at the hospital. I know with technology these days, they'll be fine, it's still scary though.
Yesterday, the specialist said the girls were in the head down position. They better not get too comfy, they have plenty of time for that! The doc said as long as they're head down, I can deliver vaginally. If one's breech, then a C-Section will take place. I'm preparing myself for a C-Section...
I'm hanging in there. Just getting bigger and more tired!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Week 26
Tube Time
This past Friday, I had to leave work early and pick up Zac from Daycare. He had a fever. Luckily, it was on a Friday, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to go back the next day: "Must be fever-free for 24 hours" rule. Between my doctor's appointments (every 2 weeks) and taking off work for him, I'm going to have ZERO paid time off when the girls come. Ugh. Ryan stayed home with him today, Zac didn't have a fever, but we didn't want to take any chances at Daycare. Ryan went ahead and took Zac to the doctor. Double freakin' ear infection! He has to have tubes put in. His last ear infection was a month ago and he's had a total of 8!! Hopefully this will help, poor guy. Ryan and Zac slept together on the floor last night. Zac's been real clingy/needy lately.
All About Grandmas
Saturday we stopped by and visited with Aunt Rachelle and Uncle Dan. Zac needs to get used to being over there! He was shy at first, then he warmed up... after he found the toys! We saw Grandma Beth and then went to Grandma Linda's. All 5 of the grandkids were there. We ate yummy pizza for dinner. That something all the kids love to eat! Zac loves watching his older Cousin Matthew. He copies what Matt does. I need to remember to bring take pictures. These girls are zapping my memory, it's ridiculous. I can't remember anything!
Sunday we stopped by to see Mimi Donna. It had been over a month since she'd seen him. I think that's all we did...
Tired Zac after a busy day.
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