Last Saturday, Vanessa & Valerie turned 10 months old! I can't believe how fast time has flown- I think I say that every month though! I'm going to have to start planning their 1st birthday party! They are growing so much, both physically and developmentally. Val is a pro crawler, been at it for 2 months now. Vanessa is getting faster. They both like to crawl towards the dog food bowls! Once the dogs have eaten, we now have to put their bowls on the counter, so the girls can have the run of the kitchen. Valerie is pulling herself up- she'll grab onto my leg, on Zac's table, the dishwasher, anything and pulls right on up. She loves sticking her tongue out, especially when she's crawling or excited. She also makes a high-pitched squealing sound too :D Miss Vanessa enjoys blowing spit bubbles and sticking out her tongue and making funny sounds. She also makes a silly face- she puts her lips together and breathes in and out really heavy. I'll add a pic of it. As I type right now, Valerie is trying to drink out of Zac's cup! She is a riot! She's our "mover", she is all over the place! Vanessa is our "thinker". She's content watching you or sitting and playing with her cookie jar shape-sorter. They have really begun to interact with each other. It is amazing to watch! They play well and sometimes fight, haha! They pull each other's hair and earrings, ouch! And of course, they want to play with the same toy. The both babble (also saying Mama and Dada) and they enjoy watching their hands as they wave.
As for Ryan and I, we are TIRED! It's been 2 full weeks of night class and working. I'm at home with the kids during the day, and Monday and Wednesday nights, I'm in class from 6pm-9:30pm. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights I work 6pm-midnight. The hardest nights for me are Thursday and Friday. I'm in bed by 2am, and the kids have me up between 6:30am-7am. Zac always wakes up first. Ryan is exhausted as well. He gets up between 3-4am (sometime earlier) and works all day, comes home, and is with the kids all night. The week is a blur, and on the weekends, I try to catch up on sleep and studying.
Mr. Squirrel is eating on the deck!

Don't ask...!

Val wearing Zac's farmer hat.

Nessa is not at all amused.

Nessa making her silly face with her mouth!

Not sure why Zac isn't wearing a shirt. Ryan said Zac put on his sister's bib!

Baby girls wanted to lay next to each other.

This is what the dishwasher looked like when I got home from work! It made me laugh!

Val wants a drink of Pepsi.

Zac's new TV spot, ha!
I was surprised Zac let me put a bib on him- hey, we were having spaghetti! He normally doesn't wear one!

Ok, maybe this is his new spot!

Daddy & his Girls- Val on left.

Love that smile, Nessa!

Nessa eating her foot before getting in the tub.

Big ol' smile!

Val- rolled over after I dried her off :D

Val and her mohawk.

Zac apparently woke up before me...

Here's the other side!!

Holding hands! Val-left.

Val's crazy hair!(left) and Nessa's funny face!

Happy Nessa in the walker, helping me cook dinner.

Sweet Val.

He got in the potted plant when I wasn't looking...

Baby girl Val eating the table.

Dad and his girls- Val is snoozing.

10 Months Old!! Val is NOT smiling!

Styling Sisters- with crazy curls! Nessa-left.