Monday, July 26, 2010
It seems like Sunday nights are the best nights to update my blog. However, the past 2 weekends, the kids haven't cooperated, as they have been staying up later! So I'm going to try and do it now. Last weekend, Ryan and I celebrated our 6 yr. wedding anniversary by going to dinner (Hereford House) and a movie (Grown Ups). Uncle Nick and Melissa were brave enough and watched our brood for us. We were only gone for about 4 hours, but it felt like forever with no kids! Yay! I must say, it was a nice break.
This past weekend, Granny B met us at Zac's soccer practice. He did really well. Next weekend is his last session, but preschool will start again next month. We have to keep this boy busy! We ran a few errands and that was about it for Saturday. Sunday we went to Mimi's and Papa's for burgers on the grill. Zac ran straight to the toy room.
The weekends go by way too fast! I get off work late on Friday night and Ryan has to get up early (3am) Monday night. By the time we go the the grocery store, he mows the front and back yard, I clean house, there isn't much time to relax!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
6 Years!
Happy 6 yr. anniversary Babe! 6 years ago, Ryan and I were in Maui, Hawaii getting "maui'ed" (married). Oh, to be back there again, with the sand in our feet and the beautiful sunset... maybe for our 10 year? Ok, maybe more like for our 20th and we'll bring the kids along, haha.
It's been a wonderful 6 years. We have 3 beautiful kids, 4 doggies, good jobs, and a wonderful home that I hope we are in for a long time to raise our kids. I can't wait for our date night this weekend to celebrate!
Just Maui'ed!

The weekend was somewhat of a blur. I worked Friday night at 6pm until 9 Saturday morning! A nice 15 hour day. The money was too good to pass up! I got home just in time for Ryan to take Zac to soccer. I was going to lay down then, but the girls were already awake. So no sleep for me. I was pretty sluggish for the rest of the day. After the boys got back from soccer, it was time to eat lunch, and on to get our haircuts. Afterwards Ryan and Zac went to the grocery store, I laid the girls down for a nap... and I got a 45 minute cat nap! I awoke to Ryan grilling steaks and baked potatoes. We watched Hot Tub Time Machine and called it a night.
Sunday we went to Ryan's Aunt Carol's house for dinner. We hadn't seen their new house yet. Lucky for Zac there was a tree house and slide in their back yard! They also have a beautiful sun room with wall-to-wall windows. The girls absolutely loved looking outside! By the time we got home, it was time to wind down for the evening.
Peek-a-Boo Val!
Monday, July 5, 2010
4th of July Weekend
We actually did not have any big plans for the holiday weekend. Ryan and I were both just excited to have Monday off of work. Our neighborhood pool opened up across the street from us and all Ryan wanted to do was go swimming. So we went a few times. Saturday we went over and saw Mimi and Papa. Every day Zac has said, "I wanna see my Papa." One time he even started crying :( So he had a blast playing toys over there. Sunday Granny B came over to visit and the girls showed off their top teeth. Ryan grilled burgers and after we put the girls to bed, Ryan, Zac, and I sat on the porch and watched the neighborhood fireworks. We thought about going watching a big display, but it would have been too late and too loud for the girls. Zac had fun though. Last year when the firework would go off, he'd say, "POP!POP!" This year he ran up and down screaming, "Cool fireworks!" He is such a chatter box now. I'll probably need earplugs when the girls start talking more!
Today, I had lunch at El Maguey with Leann and Melissa. Then we saw Leann's new house and then came back to our house. We took the girls swimming. This time Vanessa did not want to be in the water and Val did ok. They were really tired though, we went right before their nap time. Also Uncle Nick and Melissa brought their new puppy over. The girls were pretty interested!
I've been slacking a little in the picture department.I was getting a little too caught up in taking pics all the time. I'm trying to relax more and just enjoy the kiddos.
Here's what I've taken this past week:
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