Sunday, August 22, 2010
Busy Weekend
Saturday my Mom watched the girls while Ryan, Zac, and I got our haircuts. The girls are way too active now to sit still during hair cuts! We visited for awhile afterwards and then headed home. The girls didn't take their afternoon nap at Granny B's so it was off to bed as soon as we got home. They didn't wake up until 5pm, then it was time to run errands and eat dinner. Then we had visitors! Ryan's brother and his fiance', and their cousin and his fiance' came to hang out for the night. Needless to say, the kids got to stay up way past their bedtime! They all had a great time. Vanessa was Little Miss Showoff! She was a total clown; making faces, sticking her tongue out, etc. She even tried to kiss Melissa, which was so adorable!
Sunday I got to sleep in a little. We did some yard work and got rid of some bulky items- thanks to our Neighborhood Big Trash Pick Up. We ran a few more errands and then grilled for dinner. As usual the weekends are never long enough- especially in the summer. There are too many things to do and never enough time!
I am glad to get my camera back though! I haven't taken as many pics as I thought I would have. Chasing after 2 toddling twins keeps me busy!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Walking Girls!
August is already half over? Where has this miserable hot and humid month gone?
I dropped my camera off at Best Buy to get repaired on August 2nd, with an estimation completion date of August 23rd. It has been a LONG 2 weeks without it!! The sound was not working when I would record, it was like watching it with the "mute" button on. So I decided to go ahead and drop it off before the one year warranty was up. And of course that's when my baby girls BOTH decide to start WALKING!! Seriously? Are you kidding me? That is just my luck!! Valerie has been taking 3-4 steps at a time for almost a month now. I know she could have started walking earlier, but she was just scared and wanted the security of holding onto something (whether my hand or coffee table, etc.!) Then low and behold her sister, Vanessa comes out of nowhere and starts to walk first!! Now Vanessa did do one thing Valerie hasn't- while sitting down, she can push herself into a standing position. Ryan called me from work last Monday night (8/9/10) and said Miss Ness was walking! Well the first thing he said was, "When is your camera going to be ready?!" She walked from our ottoman to the coffee table in the living room. He said he stopped counting after 15 steps! So of course the next day I tried to get her to walk for me and she wouldn't do it. She did her typical "walking on her knees" deal. She finally did it for me a few days ago. She looks funny walking! 1) Because she's so short. Ryan's nickname for her is "midget girl." 2) We are so used to them walking on their knees. We've been waiting for this moment for so long now! 16 1/2 months old! We were starting to worry...
And what did her little "big" sister decide to do today? (8/15/10). Start walking like a big girl!! I was in our bedroom folding clothes. I look up in the door way and she's taking small steps, more than her usual 3 or 4!! She's still getting the hang of it. Slow, small baby steps. But we knew it wouldn't take her long, after her sister was getting all the attention! So now we have 2 WALKING GIRLS! EEK!! We're in trouble now!
And when did all of this happen?? Yes, when I don't have my camera to capture these moments!! I did record tidbits on my Blackberry, but it's just not the same. Oh well, it'll just be a part of the story we tell when they get older!
R.I.P. Pebbles
Pebbles, our only girl dog passed away last Saturday, August, 7, 2010. We bought here 10 years ago when she was only 5 yrs. old. Needless to say, she lived a long life. She was the second dog Ryan and bought together (Freddie was our 1st). We think they kept her in a cage most of her life and used her for breeding. I still remember when we pulled into the driveway of where we bought her and she comes stumbling down the porch stairs, like "Save me! Get me outta here!" And we did just that. Pebbles was not used to walking on grass. We finally got her used to it. Her and Freddie were now brother and sister.
Pebbs had been through a lot with us: we bought her while we lived in a duplex in Blue Springs, then to our first house in Kansas City, then our 2nd house in Peculiar, and finally our home in Grain Valley. She was a part of our family before Ryan and I got married and had kids.
Since she was our only girl dog (we have 3 boy dogs), we nicknamed her "Girl." Even Zac would say "Come on, Girl" when talking to her.
She had been acting like she was sick for a few days last week. Saturday she was doing a weird twitching thing and I told Ryan that wasn't right. I called the vet around 12:30pm and was going to take her in at 2pm. About 10 minutes later Ryan checked on her and said she had passed. She had been having accidents, like she would just lay on the ground and go. So we had put her in her cage just in case. And that was where she went to "doggy heaven." She did look peaceful though; laying on her side. I immediately start crying. I knew this time would come and I figured it would be her to go, considering her age. But to actually have it happen, was harder than I thought. This was the first time I had to experience the loss of a family pet :(
I took her into the vet and they offer cremation services.
Well Girl, the boy dogs miss you terribly and so do the rest of us. You were a great dog and we will cherish you in our hearts forever.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
End of July
I really do and need to update my blog on Sundays! Because if I don't, by the time I get around to doing it, I forget what we did on the weekend! Zac had his last soccer session on Saturday. They had a little party for the kiddos, providing lunch and even trophies. Zac was so proud of his.
Later on, we went to Ryan's Aunt Carol's house for dinner.
Sunday... hmmm. Cant' quite remember. I think we ran a few errands and then Ryan grilled hamburgers for dinner.
Updates on the kids:
Zac: We are trying the potty training with him again. He had done so well, even telling us before he had to go when we we out in public. Then all of a sudden he wasn't interested. I think it may have something to do with his sisters still in diapers. So we bought him a truck potty chair. It looks like a truck and even makes sounds when he goes! He gets really excited when he makes it go "Beep!Beep!". I'll have to take a pic of the chair when I get my camera back. Oh yeah, I had to drop my camera off at Best Buy to have it fixed. When I record, the sound doesn't work, something's wrong with the microphone. Hopefully I can last about 3 weeks without it!
Valerie: For about a month now, she has taken a few steps! She has taken about 4 steps towards me. I call her a cheater because she'll lunge towards me. She can stand up for a long time. I think she wants to walk, but is either lazy or scared.
Vanessa: She has taken a few steps also, but is still wobbly. If she's sitting down, she can push herself up to a standing position.
It's hard to split up my time and work with them individually. When I sit down on the floor, they each climb on me wanting to walk. I just take turns with them while the other one screams. They do like walking with me as I hold onto their hand.
The girls are playing really well together. They love playing peek-a-boo! I love hearing their giggles. They also like going on car rides and going to the store. They are just happy sitting in the shopping cart looking all around. They were quite the attraction at Wal-Mart and Home Depot yesterday.
Me & Val-
The girls are so short, they can stand right under me!
Monday, July 26, 2010
It seems like Sunday nights are the best nights to update my blog. However, the past 2 weekends, the kids haven't cooperated, as they have been staying up later! So I'm going to try and do it now. Last weekend, Ryan and I celebrated our 6 yr. wedding anniversary by going to dinner (Hereford House) and a movie (Grown Ups). Uncle Nick and Melissa were brave enough and watched our brood for us. We were only gone for about 4 hours, but it felt like forever with no kids! Yay! I must say, it was a nice break.
This past weekend, Granny B met us at Zac's soccer practice. He did really well. Next weekend is his last session, but preschool will start again next month. We have to keep this boy busy! We ran a few errands and that was about it for Saturday. Sunday we went to Mimi's and Papa's for burgers on the grill. Zac ran straight to the toy room.
The weekends go by way too fast! I get off work late on Friday night and Ryan has to get up early (3am) Monday night. By the time we go the the grocery store, he mows the front and back yard, I clean house, there isn't much time to relax!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
6 Years!
Happy 6 yr. anniversary Babe! 6 years ago, Ryan and I were in Maui, Hawaii getting "maui'ed" (married). Oh, to be back there again, with the sand in our feet and the beautiful sunset... maybe for our 10 year? Ok, maybe more like for our 20th and we'll bring the kids along, haha.
It's been a wonderful 6 years. We have 3 beautiful kids, 4 doggies, good jobs, and a wonderful home that I hope we are in for a long time to raise our kids. I can't wait for our date night this weekend to celebrate!
Just Maui'ed!

The weekend was somewhat of a blur. I worked Friday night at 6pm until 9 Saturday morning! A nice 15 hour day. The money was too good to pass up! I got home just in time for Ryan to take Zac to soccer. I was going to lay down then, but the girls were already awake. So no sleep for me. I was pretty sluggish for the rest of the day. After the boys got back from soccer, it was time to eat lunch, and on to get our haircuts. Afterwards Ryan and Zac went to the grocery store, I laid the girls down for a nap... and I got a 45 minute cat nap! I awoke to Ryan grilling steaks and baked potatoes. We watched Hot Tub Time Machine and called it a night.
Sunday we went to Ryan's Aunt Carol's house for dinner. We hadn't seen their new house yet. Lucky for Zac there was a tree house and slide in their back yard! They also have a beautiful sun room with wall-to-wall windows. The girls absolutely loved looking outside! By the time we got home, it was time to wind down for the evening.
Peek-a-Boo Val!
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