Sunday, August 15, 2010

R.I.P. Pebbles

Pebbles, our only girl dog passed away last Saturday, August, 7, 2010. We bought here 10 years ago when she was only 5 yrs. old. Needless to say, she lived a long life. She was the second dog Ryan and bought together (Freddie was our 1st). We think they kept her in a cage most of her life and used her for breeding. I still remember when we pulled into the driveway of where we bought her and she comes stumbling down the porch stairs, like "Save me! Get me outta here!" And we did just that. Pebbles was not used to walking on grass. We finally got her used to it. Her and Freddie were now brother and sister. Pebbs had been through a lot with us: we bought her while we lived in a duplex in Blue Springs, then to our first house in Kansas City, then our 2nd house in Peculiar, and finally our home in Grain Valley. She was a part of our family before Ryan and I got married and had kids. Since she was our only girl dog (we have 3 boy dogs), we nicknamed her "Girl." Even Zac would say "Come on, Girl" when talking to her. She had been acting like she was sick for a few days last week. Saturday she was doing a weird twitching thing and I told Ryan that wasn't right. I called the vet around 12:30pm and was going to take her in at 2pm. About 10 minutes later Ryan checked on her and said she had passed. She had been having accidents, like she would just lay on the ground and go. So we had put her in her cage just in case. And that was where she went to "doggy heaven." She did look peaceful though; laying on her side. I immediately start crying. I knew this time would come and I figured it would be her to go, considering her age. But to actually have it happen, was harder than I thought. This was the first time I had to experience the loss of a family pet :( I took her into the vet and they offer cremation services. Well Girl, the boy dogs miss you terribly and so do the rest of us. You were a great dog and we will cherish you in our hearts forever.

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