Sunday, January 25, 2009
Week 25
Another week closer! The girls will be making their arrival at the latest in 12 weeks, AGH! That's scares me to death, that seems like it's right around the corner. But I'm also very excited and blessed. Although I have no energy lately. Between working, dealing with Zac and his annoying screaming phase, and carrying these girls around, I'm beat. My back hurts too, just my right side. I know that I better enjoy my precious sleep while I can!
Babies' Growth: Week 25-28
The babies’ skin appearance changes, becoming less red and wrinkled as more fat is laid down under the skin. The fingernails and toenails are fully formed. The babies’ eyelids are open and the eyelashes are present. By the end of the seventh month, the babies’ scalp hair is well-developed.
Mother's Changes:
It is not unusual at this time for you to experience a brief, occasional pain in your side, like a pulling sensation, as the ligaments supporting the uterus are stretched with the advancing pregnancy. You may also experience muscle cramps or spasms in your legs, calves, or feet. These may be caused by fatigue, changing calcium levels, or by the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the nerves in the pelvis.
I can relate to the leg cramps! Friday night, my right calf was cramping and Ryan had to knead the cramp out. The dogs really need to learn to give me my space at night. Even though I'm surrounded by pillows, they still manage to wedge their way on me.
Hanging Out
Monday, January 19, 2009
Week 24 Dr's Appt.
The girls are looking great! The doc looked at each girl thoroughly and everything looks good. They weigh 1 lb 3 oz and 1 lb 4 oz. I saw their hands, feet, beating heart (including the 4 chambers. I'm still amazed each time I see both of them on the screen. I go every 2 weeks to see the specialist until I'm at 28 weeks, then I start going weekly. This pregnancy is going by fast! Which is scary, since we're going to have 2 infants in the house- along with Zac and 4 dogs! My back, especially my right side has started to hurt, an achy feeling. My body isn't used to carrying all this weight! I have 2 1/2 lbs. of baby, plus all the extra fluids, haha!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Week 24
My Baby Boy
I love my son, but really enjoyed the time away from him! Of course all Ryan could do was talk about how much he missed him. He didn't sleep too well at Grandma B's, and she was ready for a break! We visited there for awhile before heading over to Grandma Linda's for dinner. It's Grandpa Mike's 57th birthday! We had a yummy meatloaf dinner with baked potatoes and chocolate cake for dessert.
We found out Zac is allergic to peanuts. He's eaten it before and been OK. But last Sunday we made him a PB sandwich for lunch. He'd eaten almost all of it, and his face got hives, especially by his eyes. He didn't get sick and was breathing OK. So Ryan called the pediatrician and said to give him Benedryl to reduce the swelling. On Thursday I took him to get his blood drawn (which was very traumatic for us both!) and Friday the pediatrician confirmed Zac has a peanut allergy. The nurse called in a prescription for an Epinephrine Pen (EpiPen) in case of an emergency. Poor guy. We've never really read the labels of what we buy/eat. Looking through our cabinets, a LOT of it contains peanuts/tree nuts or was processed in a facility that contains peanuts. It's kind of scary, if he happens to eat something and has a reaction, we have to jab his thigh with the pen and then call 911. He will always have to carry that pen with him. We have to inform all family and friends to ask us if the food they feed him is peanut-free and show them how to use the pen. My baby likes almost all foods, and now is limited on what he can eat :(
Date Night
After having lunch with the girls, I came home and we got Zac's overnight bag and toys ready for Grandma Beth's. She bought Ryan and I a giftcard to AMC and offered to watch him overnight! Yeah! Ryan wanted to see Paul Blart- Mall Cop and I wanted to see Seven Pounds. Of course, I won.
I can't even remember the last time we went to the movies... and I remembered why we rent them instead. I can't believe how expensive the tickets are and the refreshments are outrageous! We got a large drink and popcorn. Since I'd eaten a late lunch we saw the movie first, then we were going to eat dinner. After paying so much for the popcorn, we ate all of it, not wanting it go to waste. So that was our dinner!
When I go to the movies, I don't try and think about what's going to happen next or how it will end. I just sit, relax and enjoy the movie. I'd heard the ending isn't what you'd expect. Of course Ryan figured it out halfway through and had to tell me! He couldn't have kept it to himself, he had to ruin it for me, ugh!
The movie was a little long, but good. Will Smith is a great actor. Ryan and I want to see him in a comedy though, he's still the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to us!
Lunch with the Girls
Me & Lindsey
Saturday I met Lindsey, Melissa, and Leann for lunch at 54th St. Bar & Grill in Lee's Summit. We keep in touch, but hadn't seen each other since Leann's wedding in October! It was a fun and long overdue get-together. They all look great and are doing well. I love Lindsey's new do!
Melissa & Leann
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Week 23
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Another Doctor's Appt.
I had my 4 week check-up with my OBGYN. We went over the signs of pre-term labor. The doc would like me to ideally deliver at 34 weeks, preferably at 37 weeks (most pregnancies with twins deliver 3 weeks early). That would put me delivering on March 29th at 34 weeks or April 19th at 37 weeks. I've gained 7 lbs. in 5 weeks! My blood pressure was good, 100/82. I go back in another 4 weeks. They went ahead and sent me the Glucola (for gestational diabetes screening) so I can drink it before the next appt. I picked out the orange flavor. Before, I only had to drink half, now they make you drink the WHOLE bottle. I guess some women were getting confused. I go see the specialist again on the 19th.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Visited the Grandmas
Saturday Ryan and I dropped Zac off at Grandma Beth's (or Granny B as we call her!). We looked at a house in Grain Valley and then Ryan got his haircut. We stopped by Jacey's and picked up her maternity clothes, thank you Jacey! We ate dinner at Golden Corral. I know, exciting Saturday night! Ryan loves eating at that place. Zac is going through the "I'm not eating anything" phase. It's weird to see him go from eating everything in sight to turning his head away from food. There were too many loud and crazy people to watch there! He did end up eating some fruit.
Sunday was pretty laid back. We stopped by World Market and Lowe's and then over to Grandma Linda's. She got to see his "other" side. She'd never seen his bad side- whiny and wanting to be held all the time. She made yummy fajitas! Oh and Uncle James made the Spanish rice.
Sweet Zac taking a nap:
Week 22
Friday, January 2, 2009
A Day to Myself
I thought today I would lay around and watch movies, but I ended up being quite productive and didn't even turn the TV on. I dropped Zac off at Daycare at 9am and didn't pick him up until almost 5pm! I did my Saturday cleaning today, since we have a busy day tomorrow. I also bathed all 4 dogs, went to Wal-Mart, and took Pebbles to the vet for her yearly shots. I really like our vet, Dr. Lyle. I kept my jacket on during Pebbles' visit, and the first thing he asked if I was expecting. I said, "Yes, twin girls." He burst out laughing! I said, "When I heard the news, I started crying!" He has 3 girls and the younger 2 are 20 months apart. He said it's tough enough with the 2 of them, he couldn't imagine adding another! He apologized for laughing and said he wasn't laughing at me, but with me. I reminded him I wasn't laughing! Then we talked about minivans, double strollers... Ryan and I made breakfast for dinner, put Zac to bed, and that's a wrap!
The 1st Day of the New Year
After such a busy day on Wednesday, we did absolutely nothing on Thursday. Needless to say, we didn't stay up to midnight. I did hear fireworks in our neighborhood and rolled over to see what time it was, it was 12:00am exactly. So I yelled "Happy New Year Babe!" to Ryan, he mumbled it back, half asleep. I stayed in my robe until about 2pm, then we all got ready to eat a prime rib dinner at Grandma Linda's. It was tasty!
Here's Zac wearing his 2009 party hat he made at Daycare!
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a happy New Year. Wednesday Ryan went to work and they were slow, so he had the option of going home. Which he did of course! I dropped Zac off at Daycare and we met Kelsey at Panda Express for lunch. Afterwards, Ryan and I headed to the Independence Center. We exchanged a few of Zac's Christmas clothes at Baby Gap. We also had to check out the baby girl clothes :) It's so funny to watch Ryan hold up frilly dresses saying "look how cute this is!" Then we exchanged a few things I got from Motherhood Maternity. I got some very attractive stretchy pants! Hey they're comfortable. Ryan laughed when I held out the size Medium (I will get bigger too!) I asked him what he was laughing at... he thought it was funny how I used to be Miss Fashionable, now I was buying a "big" pair of elastic pants. Comfort first, then fashion (if at all!). We had a few more errands to run and didn't pick up Zac until 5pm! I was exhausted from all the stops we made and all the walking.
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