Friday, January 2, 2009

A Day to Myself

I thought today I would lay around and watch movies, but I ended up being quite productive and didn't even turn the TV on. I dropped Zac off at Daycare at 9am and didn't pick him up until almost 5pm! I did my Saturday cleaning today, since we have a busy day tomorrow. I also bathed all 4 dogs, went to Wal-Mart, and took Pebbles to the vet for her yearly shots. I really like our vet, Dr. Lyle. I kept my jacket on during Pebbles' visit, and the first thing he asked if I was expecting. I said, "Yes, twin girls." He burst out laughing! I said, "When I heard the news, I started crying!" He has 3 girls and the younger 2 are 20 months apart. He said it's tough enough with the 2 of them, he couldn't imagine adding another! He apologized for laughing and said he wasn't laughing at me, but with me. I reminded him I wasn't laughing! Then we talked about minivans, double strollers... Ryan and I made breakfast for dinner, put Zac to bed, and that's a wrap!

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