Monday, March 9, 2009

Bigger and bigger...

I know my belly is huge! I feel gigantic! I walk, or should I say waddle around slowly. At work, the building is so big. From the parking garage I have to walk to the elevator, then upstairs and down a long hallway to my desk. I sit all day, but have to stand and take stretch breaks. I just want to complain :) Sleeping can be uncomfortable. I start out laying on my side, but have to roll over slowly on my back, then eventually on the other side. I can't get up too quick or the girls get mad! Bending down is a sight to see. Zac has been a big helper. If I ask him to pick something up for me, he does. My little baby is going to be a big brother soon! His new thing is laying his head on the dogs- like he's giving them a hug. He's done that with my belly a few times, but never long enough to snap a picture! I had an appt. with my specialist today. Girls are doing great! 3 weeks ago Baby A weighed 2 lbs 1 oz and now weighs 2 lbs 15 oz and Baby B weighed 2 lbs 5 oz and now weighs 3 lbs 1 oz! We are so excited about their growth! That was our main concern, so the bigger they are, the better! Baby A is head down and Baby B is stubborn and laying transverse (sideways). The doc said it doesn't look like they're ready to come out anytime soon, and my belly is still the best incubator for them. That's what we wanted to hear!

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