This weekend was calm compared to last weekend! Friday night we stayed at home. Ryan had to get up early for work (2:30am!!) so he was exhausted when he got home. Zac decided to go to bed at 8:00 with Daddy. I stayed up with the girls and took a test for my one of my online classes. Saturday Ryan and I got our haircuts. Later on, Mom watched the kids while we did our weekly trip to the grocery store. We brought back Papa John's for dinner, yum! We didn't do much that day, but the day flew by! Sunday we ran a few errands. We went to Babies R Us and I pushed the girls in the double stroller! I must say they looked pretty cute! We had Sunday dinner at Grandma Linda's. After we got home, I had to another online test for my other class. I forgot to mention last weekend when Ryan and I went to the movies that I got carded!! Can you believe it? I'm 28 years old and got carded when buying tickets to a rated R movie! Ryan said I should have told the girl that I have 3 kids, haha!
Ryan and I have come a long way since our 1st date to the haunted houses on October 3, 1997! We were married on the beach in Maui, HI on July 14, 2004. We waited a little later in life to start a family, but can't imagine life without children. We have one son, Zachary who is absolutely amazing and changed our lives only for the better. We wanted our kids close in age, about 2 years apart. We were ready to add to our family when low and behold we got pregnant with TWIN GIRLS! We are excited and feel truly blessed about the upcoming arrival of our girls. Our family will be complete: 3 children under 19 months of age and 4 dogs!We hope you enjoy reading about the every day and special moments in our lives.
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