Scooter is enjoying the sun on the window ledge.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Halloween falling on Saturday this year was great! We were debating on whether or not to buy costumes for the girls. Since they are only 7 months old, we opted to dress them in Halloween onesies/hats. Next year we'll have to think of something fun for all three kiddos! I looked for a SpongeBob SquarePants costume for Zac, but couldn't find one in his size. He was a tiger, roar! He loved saying "ROAR"! We didn't take Zac trick-or-treating in our neighborhood (even though everyone says it's a hot spot!) because we wanted to include the girls, so next year we'll hit the streets. We took the kids to the Independence Center, certain stores gave out candy to the little ones. I say little, but as we were leaving, they were people at least my age dressed up! Most stores gave out candy, but some handed out stickers! Zac loved getting treats to put in his candy basket, but when he got a sticker, he looked at it like "What am I supposed to do with this?" We were also going to go by the nursing home that my Grandma is staying in. When we drove by we thought there was an accident, because of the police car. No, not an accident. The officer was directing traffic!! People were parking across the street and the line was out the door! We knew there was no way Zac was going to wait in line. He did so good wearing his costume at the mall and in the car. I'm sure he was warm and uncomfortable wearing it, but he was a trooper. I wonder if all those people actually had relatives staying there or they just wanted the candy? Sorry Grandma! We were looking forward to seeing you.
Scooter getting sun in another window. Him and Sammy love crawling behind the drapes.
My cute baby girls! This was actually Ryan's idea. I love it! It was a tight fit, but the girls fit!
Do you think this will embarrass them when they're 16?
That's my baby tiger! We took him to the Independence Center to trick-or-treat. We had a few minutes to waste before the stores started giving out candy. Zac was obviously not happy about having to wait.
We decided to get the girls' ears pierced. Ryan was dead against it at first. He said they could get them pierced when they were old enough to ask for them. He had a change of heart and we got them pierced while we were at the Center. Here's Dad holding his girls after the piercing.
Vanessa got pink flower earrings. She only cried when they pierced her ears, she was fine when Daddy held her.
Valerie got purple flower earrings. Poor baby, look at that pouty face! She cried, then stopped, then would start up again.
Dad & Zac leaving a store. I was the lucky one to push the double stroller with 2 girls with freshly pierced ears!
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