Friday, February 26, 2010

11 Months Old!

On Tuesday the 23rd, Vanessa & Valerie turned 11 months old! Where has the time gone? I cannot believe they will turn 1 year old next month. Babies change so much in their first year of life! I am fortunate to be able to stay at home with them during the day. I love being able to see them grow, develop, and interact with each other. They are crawling like crazy, we are still trying to work with them to put weight on their legs. We will have to see what the pediatrician says at their 1 year check-up. They giggle with each other and of course fight- they always want the same toy! They are babbling more and more every day. Their favorite activities are blowing spit bubbles and waving with their hands. They eat like little piggies and are still sleeping through the night. They say "mama" when they're tired or hungry. Then Mom comes to the rescue! They have also started going after Zac's toys- and Zac puts a stop to that! He grabs his toy back and says "NO SISSY!" Here's their 11 month photo shoot- it's almost impossible to get these 2 to cooperate. They want to pull at each other's bows, hair, earrings, anything but smile for their Mom! First a few other random shots :D
Close-up of my birthday flowers.
Wearing the dog's toy- Elvis' blue suede shoes!
He's been watching too much wrestling with Daddy!
Love Nessa's (L) funny face!
Nessa's being silly!
Funny face again!
This was the shot that made the cut! Both looking at the camera and smiling!
Valley View! (Val)
Not as easy taking pics anymore with these two!

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