Monday, February 8, 2010

Time to Rest

These past few weeks of staying home all day with the kids and either going to class or working at night has caught up with me... and Ryan! He works all day- getting up by 3am and then we barely have time to eat a quick dinner and then I'm out the door; leaving him with the kids for the rest of the evening. It seems like there is no time to sit and just breathe and relax for awhile. My friend Melissa came over Friday afternoon. She watched the girls while I picked up Zac from preschool. Then Zac and I headed to Walmart. Let's just say I filled the cart up since the girls weren't in there!! Hey, I needed everything I bought, haha! Saturday we stayed at home and relaxed. Friday nights, I don't get off work until midnight and usually get to bed by 2am. So by the time I sleep for 8 hours, it's past 10am! It kills me rolling over and looking at the alarm clock- it feels so late. But I need to sleep, and by then Ryan is ready for a break from the kids! Sunday we visited Mimi Donna and Papa Randy. We hadn't seen them since the holidays! The girls sure had changed in a month. Of course they were perfect at their house, then we get back home and they're screaming monsters! They just like all the attention on them. We actually got all the kids down for a nap at the same time. The house was so quiet, kinda weird! We're not big football fans, so we didn't even watch the Superbowl. I cleaned the house, we made dinner, fed the kids, then Ryan headed to bed early. Not sure what was wrong with Vanessa, I put the girls to bed and she screamed for several minutes. She usually fusses for a bit before falling asleep. After she woke Ryan up and went and picked her up. Immediately she stopped crying, of course! So I held her for awhile and then put her down to do a load of laundry- wrong! She immediately screams, so once again I held her and we watched Private Practice (that I had recorded). After that she decided she was tired and ready for bed. I've gotten spoiled with the girls' sleeping so well, that when they don't, it throws me off guard! I don't think they're teething, heck Zac didn't his first tooth until after his first birthday. I think she just didn't feel well and wanted her Mama!
Zac showing off his haircut!
Baby girls looking out the window.
Dad got their attention- Nessa on left.
Crazy-haired Val is awake while Dad and Nessa are snoozing.
Val peeking into the toy box.
Val's like "What Mom?"
Nessa still snoozing...
The toilet paper is taller than Val!
Dad and his girls- Val on right.
I see you Val...
Peek-a-Boo Val!
Nessa was waving with both hands.
Baby Val sucks her fingers when she's tired.
Silly girls! Nessa in front.
I tried to get a pic of the girls in their outfits...
Drinking out of their cups, Nessa on left- making her funny face.
Val looking at her fingers, like "What are these things?"
Nessa drinking out of a cup!
Zac finds the weirdest places to sit!

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