Valerie pulled herself for me the following morning! Splits!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Valerie's Turn to Show Off!
What an exciting week it has been! Miss Vanessa got her first tooth last Saturday the 13th and the following Thursday (18th), Miss Valerie stood up on her own! She has been pulling up and sitting on her knees for quite some time now. However, this was the first time she got on her legs! Ryan was able to witness this milestone while I was at work- He leaves me a written note recapping the night's events. He was changing Vanessa's diaper and he looked over at Val (already in her crib) and she had pulled herself up! Ryan said she started fussing because she didn't know how to sit back down. He sat her down and she pulled herself up again! It's hard not to compare the girls' development with where Zac was at their age. I have to keep reminding myself that they were preemies, born at 33 weeks. So instead of being on the verge of walking, I am excited that they are finally putting weight on their legs! We'll see how long it takes Vanessa to do the same.
Saturday I woke up to my son screaming "MOMMYYYY! MOMMYYYYY!" Ryan had gotten up early and went to the grocery store. Supposedly Zac was sleeping when he left, otherwise Ryan would have taken him. This was not the wake up call I wanted after only 6 hours of sleep! Needless to say, I was up for the day. Later that afternoon, my Mom and I went Easter dress shopping for the girls. Shopping for twin girls is always a fun task: there is always a huge selection, but then finding TWO outfits in the same size can be a challenge. We found 2 coordinating dresses and can't wait for Easter! Ryan and I took advantage of the $10 pizzas Papa John's is offering and called it a night. The weather, lack of sleep, and shopping had taken its toll on me.
Sunday I took the girls to get their 1st birthday pictures taken. My friend Melissa was nice enough and offered to help me. We did a birthday and Easter background. The girls did pretty well, considering. At first, they both had their fingers in their mouths- due to teething. Then Val was all smiles sitting in a rocking chair. We got 2 decent poses, which I am happy about. I was aiming for one! It's impossible at this age to get these girls to cooperate! The girls took a good nap on the way home.
The one decent birthday pose- no fingers in their mouths! Val- Left
Happy Easter! (these are the dresses Granny B bought for them) I had brought pink shoes for their bday dresses, but didn't think about shoes for these outfits, oh well!
Nessie- Left
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day Kids!
This year is the girls' 1st St. Patrick's Day. We don't do anything to celebrate. I just took a few shots of the kids wearing their green colors. I bought the girls shamrock sunglasses, but they were too big. They kept sliding off their faces. This was the best my children would do for me! Now I'm caught up on this blogging thing... until next weekend!
Miss Vanessa
1st Tooth and More!
On Saturday, March 13, 2010 I noticed something inside Vanessa's mouth. She was flicking her tongue around and I thought a saw a tooth! Then I thought, "No, it's probably a piece of Cheerio." So I put my finger inside her mouth and rubbed her gums... it was a tooth!! How exciting!! Afterwards, I checked Valerie's mouth. No teeth yet, but her gums are swollen, so it will be soon!
I'm also adding in other random photos from the week that didn't fall into one of the "titles"! This shot of Nessie's mouth is the only one she's let me take since then- glad I got this one at least!
Miss Vanessa Marie's 1st Tooth!!
Fun Day with Zac
Zac has started getting jealous of the girls. Combined with being cooped up in the house since winter, Ryan and I wanted to spend some one-on-one time with him. My brother-in-law's girlfriend watched the girls for us, thank you Melissa!! We ate lunch at Applebee's, I was craving their chicken tenders and honey mustard sauce! Ryan was worried about taking him inside a restaurant to eat, due to his crazy mood swings, i.e. TERRIBLE TWOS! Zac did fine though, he was a little impatient while we waited on our food. Then we took him to Tunnel Town in Lee's Summit. We hadn't been there since his 2nd birthday party. He had a BLAST! I climbed inside the tunnels with him at first. Then I realized I was getting too old- they should provide you with knee pads! I'm apparently somewhat claustrophobic too! I'd crawl halfway through and would tell Zac that we needed to find a slide and get out! Ryan took over from there. Afterwards we headed over to the "kiddie section" He had a better time there since it was on a smaller scale, he could climb inside the tunnels by himself. And bang on the drums, and jump into the ball pit, and ride the plastic toys...
I can't wait to bring the girls there next time!
Zac & Daddy coloring until our food arrived.
He's ready for some fun!
Burr Oak Woods
Overdue Updates!
I finally have the time to add some updates. I've been meaning to, it's just difficult to get a few moments to sit down and do it! Last week was a great week- Zac and I were on "spring break" from school so Ryan decided to take the week off also. It was a family fun-filled week. I'll break the week up into separate posts, so it won't be a mile long!
Last weekend we took advantage of the nice weather and spent a few hours in the backyard. Ryan has been itching to do some yard work (I know, he's crazy!) We found an area up against the house we want to landscape and incorporate our porch swing. We took the playpen out with us and put the girls inside. They did NOT like being cooped up! So then we let them have the run of the backyard.
Zac likes playing in the dogs' pop-up cage!
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