Wednesday, March 17, 2010

1st Tooth and More!

On Saturday, March 13, 2010 I noticed something inside Vanessa's mouth. She was flicking her tongue around and I thought a saw a tooth! Then I thought, "No, it's probably a piece of Cheerio." So I put my finger inside her mouth and rubbed her gums... it was a tooth!! How exciting!! Afterwards, I checked Valerie's mouth. No teeth yet, but her gums are swollen, so it will be soon! I'm also adding in other random photos from the week that didn't fall into one of the "titles"! This shot of Nessie's mouth is the only one she's let me take since then- glad I got this one at least!
Miss Vanessa Marie's 1st Tooth!!
One of Zac's favorite hiding spots- he even closes the door!
Val-L and Nessie playing in their brother's room- HE made the mess though!
Val practicing on standing up.
Zac wearing Daddy's shirt. He reminds me of E.T.!
Sleeping on the couch.

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