Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Overdue Updates!

I finally have the time to add some updates. I've been meaning to, it's just difficult to get a few moments to sit down and do it! Last week was a great week- Zac and I were on "spring break" from school so Ryan decided to take the week off also. It was a family fun-filled week. I'll break the week up into separate posts, so it won't be a mile long! Last weekend we took advantage of the nice weather and spent a few hours in the backyard. Ryan has been itching to do some yard work (I know, he's crazy!) We found an area up against the house we want to landscape and incorporate our porch swing. We took the playpen out with us and put the girls inside. They did NOT like being cooped up! So then we let them have the run of the backyard.
Zac likes playing in the dogs' pop-up cage!
Only Valerie would be smiling after smacking her face against the desk leg.
Zac is relaxing and eating an ice cream cone.
Ryan & His Girls- Va on left. They both have funny faces.
They love looking in the backyard, Val-L
Zac has it made!
Mr. Squirrel eating the bird food- sunflower seeds.
Val snoozin' in her highchair.
Nessie wearing Daddy's hat.
Work those leg muscles, Val!
Nessie is like, "Get me out of here!"
Val playing with the ball.
Zac is enjoying the warm weather.
Hi Sammy!
The girls are now free! Val-L
Work in progress- of course it rained the next day!
Zac is thirsty after helping Dad dig dirt. No, the bottle was already empty!
Hi Girls! Nessie-L
Nessie sticking her tongue out!
Val helping me do the dishes!
Now Nessie joins in.

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