Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Zac's Dr. Appt.
Zac had his 15 month check-up today and they also checked his ears to make sure the infection was gone. Of course it wasn't. Both ears were still red, more meds. Tubes will be in his near future. The doctor didn't give him his 2 shots he needed. Zac will get them in 2 weeks when we go back for another check-up. Between the two of us, it feels like we're constantly going to the Doctor!
That explains why the little DID NOT SLEEP AT ALL last night. I put him to bed around 7 and about 10pm (right before I was going to bed), he started screaming. I checked on him and changed his diaper, thinking that was the reason. Nope, so I rocked him and layed him down. Right when I left his room, more screaming. I was tired so I decided we'd just sleep on the floor. Ryan doesn't do too well with Zac sleeping in bed with us. After last night's experience of sleeping on the hard floor (blankets didn't do much for comfort), we need to get a spare bed or recliner! We've been thinking about getting a recliner, so now it's a MUST! Cross your fingers we both get a full night's sleep!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Week 21
Christmas at Grandma Linda's
After Mimi's house we headed over to Grandma Linda's (Ryan's Mom). That house was a zoo! There are 5 grandkids ranging from 5 months to 2.5 years old. Next year will be even crazier! Finally the girls will outnumber the boys! I was still pretty full from eating earlier, but somehow I managed to eat more. It was tough, but I did it! Zac had a blast playing with his toys: bulldozers and trucks. Uncle Nick got each nephew/niece a cool toy. Zac got a bulldozer he can sit and ride on. Cousin Matt pushed him around the living room. Funny thing is they weigh almost the same- Zac is 15 months and Matt is 2.5! Before we left, all the girls had to sit together for a group shot, then it was the guys turn. What a wonderful Christmas we had!
Christmas at Mimi's
Today, Ryan let me "sleep in" until 8:30am. He woke up and took care of Zac.We opened a few presents and then it was time to get ready for Mimi Donna's. Dinner was at noon and we enjoyed yummy Honey-Baked ham with all our favorite side dishes.
I made spinach and artichoke dip. We actually opened presents first (the kids were too excited) then we ate. We all received great gifts, even the girls! Aunt Jenn, Uncle Rich, and Maddie got them 2 packages of diapers (the BEST presents ever!) and a cute pink picture frame that says "Twice Blessed." Aunt Carrie, Uncle Chuck and the kids got them very cute pink/brown onesies with matching pants and a set of receiving blankets. Mimi and Papa bought them the cutest sleep sacks with flowers on them, and pink hats to match. They are preemie sizes, they look like doll outfits! Mimi loved her "Mimi of Twins" canvas bag as did Papa and his "Papa of Twins" coffee mug. Of course Zac made out well with a ton of toys, movies, puzzles, and cute clothes from Baby Gap! Grandma Beth bought Ryan and I AMC movie passes! That also comes with a night of baby-sitting (or Zac spending the night) We haven't actually seen a movie in a theater, in I don't know how long! Dinner and a movie, what's that like? I told Ryan I get to pick the movie! I'm not sitting through or wasting my movie pass on some dumb comedy. He already suggested "Mall Cop" which comes out in January. I, of course ate too much. Hey, the girls were hungry, I can't deprive them of food, can I? For dessert I couldn't pass up Grandma Settle's banana cream pie and Aunt Carrie's sugar cookies.
Christmas Eve
Unfortunately Ryan had to work today. Zac and I hung out and played together. He has been quite the chatterbox lately! It's so amusing just to listen to him "talk." I'm sure he knows exactly what he's saying. Ryan didn't get home until about 2:30pm. He changed real quick and we were off to Aunt Becky's house for dinner. Dinner was at 3, but we didn't arrive until almost 4pm. Oh well. It was quite the crowd: aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, grandpas, cousins. We enjoyed yummy food, especially Aunt Charlotte's infamous sugar cookies! We opened presents and had a visit from Santa Claus! (Uncle Bud). Once again, Zac stared in awe. I'm not sure if it's the beard or the whole red outfit or what. Next stop was Aunt Rhonda's. Last year we enjoyed Mexican food, this year Zarda BBQ filled our tummies. It's nice to have a break from the traditional ham dinner. Afterwards we played Christmas Bingo. I was the first to win, I ended up with a hot chocolate mug set and Ryan was one of the last to win, with a Wal-Mart giftcard. That will definitely come in handy! While Ryan and I played Bingo, Grandma Beth kept Zac entertained in the kids' room. It was a busy, but very fun night with good food and spending time with family.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Fun at the Mall!
Today I took Zac to the Independence Center to see Santa Claus. I was dreading the crowds, but it wasn't too bad. Finding a parking spot was the worst. We stood in line to see Santa, Zac was so good! I wasn't sure how he'd react to sitting on Santa's lap. After all, I had woken him up from a nap and took him out of the warm car into the cold, rainy weather. It was finally our turn and Zac just stared at Santa! It was too funny. I tried getting his attention for the pictures, all I got was the back of his head! (with my camera). Of course you have to make a minimum purchase in order to use your own camera. Next year, we'll be going to Wal-Mart or Hy-Vee, haha! Of course those 2 places had Santa last weekend, but not this.
Since he was such a good boy, I took him to the kids play area. At first, he just stood there and watched the other kids play. I walked over to a tree stump and he crawled through it. He got warmed up and was all over the place! It was a fun mother/son day!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Staying In!
This weekend was pretty uneventful, as was last weekend. With the holidays approaching, we will be very busy making the rounds to our families. So we've been relaxing. Friday night the boys fell asleep in the living room. We all love Ryan's new Mon-Fri schedule!
Saturday we did our grocery shopping. For dinner, we went over to Grandma Linda's.
Sunday we pretty much hung out at home. Ryan had been craving steak, so he braved the cold weather and grilled. Like he doesn't freeze enough at work! I didn't take a pic of him, but I took one of Zac after eating Doritos with lunch!
Big Boy Riding the Buggy!
Week 20
Friday, December 19, 2008
What a Week!
Monday started out the trend of a hectic week. As I mentioned before, this is my last week of training. Of course everything that could go wrong, did! Let me recap:
Monday- had to leave work an hour and a half early because Zac had a fever at Daycare.
Tuesday- had to take the day off work because Zac had to be fever-free for 24 hours.
Wednesday- was 20 minutes late to work due to slow traffic.
Thursday- after dropping Zac off at Daycare, I got in my car and it wouldn't start! Are you kidding me? Ryan was already at work (this is at 6am) so I had to get it towed, which luckily was under warranty. It was only a dead battery. Unfortunately, that wasn't covered and the dealership charged a ridiculous amount, but what was I going to do? So I was over 2 hours late to work.
Friday- I had to leave an hour early due to a doctor's appt.
This hasn't stopped the girls from being active. I can't believe how much they're moving around :P
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Just Thinking...
It seems like I have a lot going on right now: training for a new position at work, the holiday hustle-and-bustle, pregnant with twins, etc... We do have a nice routine established with Zac. Children really do crave structure. If he's not in bed by his usual time (7-7:30pm), he gets cranky! In just a few short months, the twins will be here! I hope we can get them on some sort of eating/sleeping schedule. The sooner, the better! For Zac's first 3 months, he had his days and nights mixed up, which was so exhausting. I had to force myself to lay down and try to nap in the middle of the afternoon. However, I was also fortunate enough to stay home with him for 4 months. That won't be an option with the twins (when I really need the time off!). I plan on taking the standard 6 weeks off. The girls are due May 9th (also the date of my 10 yr. high school reunion). I don't think I'll be able to make it! I'll probably have them mid-late April- tax time, which is our busiest time at work!
I've had visions of double strollers and minivans dancing in my head :D
Can you picture me pushing this around, plus holding on to Zac? This is actually one of the more slender/compact double strollers I've seen!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Day off With Zac, Time to Reflect
I had to take the day off with the kiddo since he has to be fever-free for 24 hours before Daycare will allow him to come back. I think the meds are really working, he slept the whole night through. Which means Mom and Dad got a good night's sleep as well. We were all tired from the night before. He's been in a pretty good mood today, he's only coughed a few times, still has a runny nose. He's taking a nap right now, so I'm taking advantage of the peace and quiet!
It seems like I've been so busy with training at work, keeping up with the weekly grind of making dinner, doing laundry, the holidays approaching, that I haven't had time to sit and reflect about that we are truly blessed to be having twins.
It was such shocking news, we are so excited and grateful that this is in our future. The one "extra" blessing changes everything! We really need/want to move back to Blue Springs to be closer to family. When we bought this house over 5 years ago, kids were not in our immediate plans, so living a little farther South didn't seem like an issue. Now with one son, and twins on the way, family is so important. There is nothing for us out here.
Our baby girls are really kicking and moving around! I first felt them kick at 17 weeks. They are mostly active at night, when I'm trying to sleep! It is awesome to feel them moving around in my tummy. To know that they are growing and getting bigger every day. Before I was pregnant with Zac, I couldn't imagine what my body would look like. Now how will I look carrying 2? My labor and delivery with Zac was not "normal", but what is, right? He was 5 weeks early and I was able to experience childbirth naturally (not by choice of course, he was ready to enter the world!). I am a little nervous of the likelihood of having to undergo a C-section. I know it's more routine with twins and many women have this surgery. Just the thought of being under the knife, and knowing Ryan will be the only family member allowed, is hard. Of course, there is a chance to deliver the twins naturally. Whatever it takes, as long as they are healthy, that's all that matters.
I may not wear the latest fashion trends (heck I can't remember the last piece of clothing I bought myself), instead of going to the movies I wait for them to come out on DVD, I may not have the biggest house,it may not be spotless (I know that will be put on the back burner after the girls arrive), but my life is filled with love. Everyone says children will change your lives, but you really can't explain or describe in words the love you have for your child. Where does all that love come from? It seems endless, I loved the girls the moment I found out I was pregnant, before I knew there were 2 of them, I loved the little baby growing inside me.
Monday, December 15, 2008
What a Monday
After a nice and relaxing weekend, today was tiring. Zac had a runny nose and had been coughing over the weekend. I figured it was a little cold, with the weather getting colder and the bug that's going around. Last night was a LONG night. He cried in his crib and just wanted to be held. I'd put my hand on his back and pat him back to sleep. But the second I turned to leave, he lifted his head up, looking for me and started crying. He'd stop every time I touched him. So I finally put him in bed with us. Ryan has to get up between 3:30-4am, so he opted to sleep on the couch. Zac fell asleep right away and was fine the rest of the night. However I got a call from daycare about 2 this afternoon. He'd been coughing a lot and had a fever... meaning I had to pick him up. Of course I get off work at 3:30, but what can you do? I made a doctor's appt. for 4pm. Turns out the little guy has a DOUBLE ear infection and beginning to get pink eye, again. Darn daycare and the dirty little kids. This will be the second time for pink eye. My first week of training for my new position at work, Zac got an ear infection (Halloween). Ryan took him to the doctor that time around, now this is my last week of training and I had to leave early. I have to miss tomorrow as well, since he has to be fever-free for 24 hours. Then I have to leave an hour early on Friday, for my appt. with the perinatoligist.
The doctor said if Zac gets another ear infection, we'll have to seriously think about getting tubes put into his ears. If it means no more infections, then I'm all for it. Ryan had several as a child and all 4 of his siblings and his nephew have had tubes. What a day, I left work at 2pm and didn't get home until 6pm.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Relaxing Weekend
Week 19
Busy, Busy
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Zac's 1st Haircut!
Week 18

Appt. with the Perinatologist
Thursday, Dec. 4th
Today I had an appt. with the perinatologist, who specializes in the care of the mother and fetus at higher-than-normal risk for complications. Our big question was to see if they would be able to tell if the twins were fraternal or identical. I left work before my lunch break and Ryan and I went to Winstead's in Overland park for lunch. I'd been craving a strawberry milkshake and it was yummy! My appt was at 1:30pm at Mid-West Perinatology off of I-435 & Quivera, right behind Overland Park Regional.
The perinatologist and her assistant were both very nice and made me feel comfortable. I was still shocked and amazed when I saw both babies on the screen. She could tell right away that they were identical! We could even see the thin membrane separating the sacs. They are still girls :) As far as she could tell, everything looks good. The doctor confirmed they are in 2 separate amniotic sacs (which is ideal because if they share one, the risk of complications increases dramatically) and she believes they share a placenta, which is common. They weigh 7-8 oz. each. We could also see their hearts beating which was fascinating!
I go back again on the 19th for a quick check-up and again on the 30th for the measurements, etc. of the twins.
After the appointment, I had another appt at 4pm with my regular OBGYN. We had a little time to kill, so we went to Best Buy to look at cameras. I was going to get another Canon, which was the one I lost. But I found a Sony Cybershot camera I liked better.
It has 10.1 meagapixels, 5X optical zoom for shots that are clear and upclose, smile shutter detection and a 3.5 in LCD touch screen. I have to have a big screen for viewing, my Canon had a 3 inch screen. The touch screen will take a while to get used to. I hated having to buy another camera, but I can't live without one either! I guess that's my Christmas present to myself!
Then it was time for my other dr. appt. We listened to the heartbeats and went over signs of preterm labor. The doctor wants to be aware of them and to call right away if I have any symptoms.
While we were at the doctor's, Mom had left me a voicemail saying she hadn't heard from me yet and was kind of worried. I think she forgot about my second appt.
When I called her back, I told her the specialist's office had better technology and they saw... 3 babies!! She said "Christina Marie! You're kidding right?!?!" I said "Yes, we're kidding." She was at work and I could tell that she was about to start crying, that's why I didn't keep playing along. She was concerned of the health of the babies, especially since Zac was 5 weeks early, and multiples always arrive earlier. I thought she was going to kill me!
Week 17

Uncle James baby-sits Zac!
Friday, Nov. 28th
Uncle James was in town from MU for a week over Thanksgiving. Ryan and I both had to work today, the day after Thanksgiving and Zac's daycare was also closed. Luckily Uncle James saved the day! He spent the night Thursday night and was here to take care of Zac... all day. They had a good time together. They played in his room for the majority of the day, only stopping to eat and nap time! Uncle James did have to change a couple dirty diapers, after our 2 Thanksgiving dinners!
I feel so lost without my camera, still can't find it.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, Nov. 27th
Ryan and I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. We have a healthy, happy 14 month old son and twin girls on the way who are also healthy. Our family is truly blessed. Even though we are excited and nervous about having 3 children under the age of 2 will be like, some couples are not as fortunate as we are. We sometimes forget that just because some are ready to start a family, it doesn't always happen.
We had dinner at Mimi Donna's at 1:00 in the afternoon. The girls and I were hungry. The food Mimi and Grandma Beth prepared was so tasty! Zac loved the homemade macaroni and cheese!
For dinner, we headed off to Grandma Linda's at 5:30. Even though Zac and I had plenty to eat earlier, we still managed to eat some more. We can't pass up good food! Ryan was too full to eat. What a great day with family!
Out to Blue Springs
Saturday, Nov 22nd
We drove out to Blue Springs today. It was long overdue for Ryan to get his haircut. We also saw Grandma Beth. We went to Golden Corral for dinner. That place is the place to be on a Saturday night! I forgot what a variety of food they have. Ryan was excited about the liver and onions- I know, he's weird. I enjoyed a big salad and of course their rolls! Zac ate really well too- hamburger, mac and cheese, green beans. I was too full for dessert, but the boys made room. We all left with our tummies full and Zac fell asleep on the way home.
Week 16
I took a belly shot this week, but unfortunately I've lost my camera. I gave Zac a bath on Tuesday night. He was splashing his hands in the tub and looked cute. So I recorded him/took pictures. After that, I'm not sure what happened to it. Either I misplaced it or Zac took off with it. So Week 16 never got uploaded onto the computer.
Week 15
Breaking the News to Family!
The Most Shocking News of Our Lives!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Week 14
Week 13
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Blog Archive
- Zac's Dr. Appt.
- Week 21
- Christmas at Grandma Linda's
- Christmas at Mimi's
- Christmas Eve
- Fun at the Mall!
- Staying In!
- Big Boy Riding the Buggy!
- Week 20
- What a Week!
- Just Thinking...
- Day off With Zac, Time to Reflect
- What a Monday
- Relaxing Weekend
- Week 19
- Busy, Busy
- Zac's 1st Haircut!
- Week 18
- Appt. with the Perinatologist
- Week 17
- Uncle James baby-sits Zac!
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Out to Blue Springs
- Week 16
- Week 15
- Breaking the News to Family!
- The Most Shocking News of Our Lives!
- Week 14
- Week 13