Thursday, Nov. 13th
I had an ultrasound appt. at 3:30pm and doctor's appt. to follow. This was scheduled when I was 15 weeks because the doctor wanted to make sure my due date of May 9, 2009 was accurate, since Zac was 5 weeks early. They can do this by taking different measurements of the baby. We were hoping to also find out the gender, but didn't think that would be realistic until at least 18 weeks (that's how far along I was with Zac). Ryan couldn't take off work to go with me. I was ok with that, because like I said I figured they would just tell me if the due date was correct and I'd have to back a few weeks later to find out the gender. I didn't break a tape to record the sonogram and I went by myself. The sonogram technician was the same woman that did Zac's, it was deja vu. So I layed on the table and she put the warm gel on my belly. Right away she said "TWINS!?!" I said "shut up!" and started bawling immediately. She said "Don't you see them on the screen?" I did, but I was in utter shock, amazed, confused, I went through a lot emotions in next few moments. She handed me the box of Kleenex and asked me to try to lay still because she was trying to look at the babies. I knew we were going to have our hands full with another child. Zac would be about 19 months when the second would arrive, 2 in diapers, etc. Now add ANOTHER one?! She asked if we wanted to find out the gender, and I said yes, still thinking she wouldn't be able to tell. She asked what we already had, I said a son. I said deep down I want a girl, so I guess I have a fifty-fifty shot now. She was pretty sure they were both girls. So more tears, of joy!
I had wanted a summer baby, my birthday is in February, and I could never have a pool party or anything since it's in the winter! We were thinking about starting to try in October, but I got on a baby kick and didn't want to wait a few more months. So we started trying in August and 2 weeks later I was pregnant! With Zac I was on the depo shot and after I stopped taking it, my cycle was of out whack and it did take a few months to get pregnant with him. After he was born I got on the pill.
I just couldn't believe that she said twins. Sure enough, there was one shot where they were both together. She said that would probably be the only one, because they'll be too big next time. Of course I didn't bring the tape and I was by myself. It was a lot to take in without Ryan with me. The ultrasound took almost an hour, checking both babies. My weight at this point is 123 1/4 lbs. and blood pressure is 112/80. I've gained 4 lbs!
Then I had to wait to see my doctor. When he finally came in the room, I said we need to talk. He said what? I said "have you looked at my chart?" He said no and took a look. He said "congratulations!" He then talked about things to watch out, as far as taking care of myself and preterm labor, etc.
I decided to wait until after I got home to tell Ryan. First off, I didn't want to wreck the car telling him the news and 2) I wanted to see his reaction in person. Of course 71 Hwy was under construction (when isn't it?) and I had to crawl through that mess. I didn't get home until after 6pm. Ryan was very excited to hear how the appts. went. I told him "Good thing the house we're looking at has 4 bedrooms." He said "What?!" I said "you heard me." He goes "There's' 2 in there?!" And I start crying so more. I was so emotionally drained by the end of the evening. Tears of joy, worry, fear, excitement...
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