Sunday, December 21, 2008

Week 20

My doctor's appt. on Friday was quick. The doc just wanted to take a quick look at the girls to make sure everything looked ok. He checked my cervix- he said we don't won't them coming out now! I was like no we don't! They look great! One of them was trying to sit on the other :) He said the longer we go with no sign of complications, the more likely that they won't happen. I go back in a week and he will do the measurements of them. He said to keep up with what I've been doing. I'm still feeling good. I'm eating more and getting tired easily. Other than that, I'm great! My belly is getting so big. I do see little stretch marks (all over) the front of my tummy! I only had a few with Zac and that was towards the end. I think it's neat as my body changes to accommodate our twin girls. I want to do a belly cast with this pregnancy. If they get sassy with me, I can always show them how big I got for them and they should straighten up!

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