Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Week 11

Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her bones are beginning to harden. She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccuping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming. My belly looks big in this picture! I read that you start showing earlier than the first pregnancy. The Zofran is helping, I still feel a little yucky though. It should only be for a few more weeks.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My New Best Friend

My new best friend is Zofran! Today was the first day I took this medicine for nausea. Every day I have been battling morning sickness. I would lay on the floor for 15-20 minutes while Zac played. Then I would feed him, lay down again, etc. throughout the whole day. I haven't even cooked dinner in at least a month, maybe 2! So I took a pill this morning, and it did wonders! I still felt a little yucky. However, this has been my most productive day since pregnancy. I cleaned the bathroom, did laundry, gave Zac a bath, vacuumed.... and made dinner!! I know, Ryan was in shock. He's been having to come home from working all day, cook dinner, and take care of Zac. He was glad to have me back, except that I wouldn't stop talking while he was reading the newspaper.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Doctor's Appt.

Today the doc examined me and made sure there was only 1 baby in my belly! He said let's make sure there's not triplets in there, haha. And since I'll be 11 weeks this Saturday, we went ahead and listened to the heartbeat. Normally it's done at 12 weeks. He said if we don't hear it, don't get scared. But he found it right away, 150 beats per minute. It was deja vu! Thank goodness he also prescribed me some meds for this horrible morning sickness. I go back in another 4 weeks. I am also getting an ultrasound done. Not to find out the sex, but to determine if the due date is accurate. Since Zac came 5 weeks early, we want to make sure the date is accurate. I am excited about that. I'll be 15 weeks at that point and then we'll do another sonogram for the gender at 18 weeks.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

10 Weeks

Though he's barely the size of a kumquat — a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom — and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce, your baby has now completed the most critical portion of his development. This is the beginning of the so-called fetal period, a time when the tissues and organs in his body rapidly grow and mature. He's swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. Vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function, though they'll continue to develop throughout your pregnancy. If you could take a peek inside your womb, you'd spot minute details, like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin. In other developments: Your baby's limbs can bend now. His hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. The outline of his spine is clearly visible through translucent skin, and spinal nerves are beginning to stretch out from his spinal cord. Your baby's forehead temporarily bulges with his developing brain and sits very high on his head, which measures half the length of his body. From crown to rump, he's about 1 1/4 inches long. In the coming weeks, your baby will again double in size — to nearly 3 inches.

Friday, October 3, 2008

9 Weeks

Your new resident is nearly an inch long — about the size of a grape— and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. She's starting to look more and more human. Her essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. Her eyes are fully formed, but her eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. She has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, she's poised for rapid weight gain.

Deja Vu

I've gotten sick 2 times today! Not a good way to start the weekend. I hate that feeling, I know it's going to happen... but I always feel better afterwards. Poor Zac, hears me gagging all the time. He either laughs, because I'm making funny sounds or just stares at me like "what's wrong with Mommy?" The same smells that bothered me when I was pregnant with Zac, bother me this time around. It's weird. I can't stand the smell of coffee, peanut butter, or bread. Funny, it's Ryan's daily routine! He makes coffee in the morning and makes PB sandwiches for lunch. This time though, I can't even open the fridge door or throw something away in the trash without gagging. Just seeing the food makes me want to hurl! I found a mask we had, I wear that when I have to change a dirty diaper- even then I still gag. These children better love me for the rest of their lives!!