Nessie (L) and Val checking out the carrots.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Rain, Rain Go Away!!
The rain sure put a damper on our weekend plans. We had some yard work that we wanted to get done. Saturday was a lazy day for the most part. I didn't get home from work until 2:45 in the morning!! I normally get off work at midnight, but stayed an hour later, no big deal. As I headed towards I-70 from downtown, I came to a stop. There was an accident only 5 cars in front of me. This stretch of road is where it is down to ONE lane, and that's where the accident happened. Of course I had just passed the previous exit ramp. Several firetrucks, ambulances, MODOT, tow trucks, cop cars arrived on the scene. No one was going anywhere for a LONG time. I got bored after awhile, so I called a friend from work who also gets off at 1am, then called my Mom, then eventually Ryan so he wouldn't worry. Almost an HOUR later of not moving an inch, the accident was cleared. NOT a good way to start the weekend! Once I woke up (around 10:30am), I saw the girls wearing only diapers, crawling in the hallway. Zac was playing in his room, and Ryan was napping on the couch. He and Zac had gotten up early and went to the grocery store. The house was a mess! Toys everywhere, dirty dishes in the kitchen, etc. So I opened all the drapes and started cleaning. Later that night my friend, Melissa came over to visit. Ryan and I took Zac to Lowe's. She watched the girlies for us and we brought back Chinese for dinner. Yum! And that was the extent of our evening. Sunday, Ryan couldn't takie it anymore and mowed the front yard. It was getting tall. The kids all took a nap at the SAME time (miracle!) and I worked on homework. It was quiet, I almost forgot how wonderful silence is :) Sunday was another lazy day. It was kind of nice to have a relaxing weekend, even though it was due to the rainy weather. When it's nice outside, I feel like we need to be outdoors enjoying it!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tie-Dye & Teeth
The other day the girls wore their cute tie-dyed outfits from Mimi Donna. I also snapped a few shots of the girls' bottom teeth. They didn't want to cooperate, but I was persistent, because I knew if I didn't do it right then, I wouldn't do it.
FYI: it is VERY difficult to hold the camera in one hand open the mouth of a squirming baby with the other!!
Who knew a case of Coke could be so entertaining? Nessie in green.
Val's ready to roll! Well if her feet could touch the floor :D
Baby Tristan is Born!
My good friend Lindsey became a mommy on Friday, April 16, 2010 at 1:27 pm! Tristan Lee is a happy, healthy boy and has 2 very proud parents! Saturday morning I got up after only 6 hours of sleep. We got the kids bathed and ready and dropped them off at Granny B's. Ryan and I were headed to see that baby boy!It was like déjà vu driving to St. Joseph Medical Center, although I was the visitor this time! I already forgot how tiny babies are, even though it's only been over a year since I was in her place. Tristan is a beautiful baby boy! Afterward we went picked up the kids and went to get our haircuts- me, Ryan, and Zac. It was an interesting appointment. Before the girls had outgrown the infant car seats, we could easily tote them around. Now they're in the big girl car seats and they're not walking soooo it's like what do we do with them now? We managed, and were ready to get dinner and go home. What a day!
Sunday was also interesting. Who would have thought a simple trip to Lowe's with the family could be so tiring? I knew they had carts with two seats. I went up front, found a cart, and brought it back to the car. Ryan strapped Vanessa in and figured out how to tighten the straps. Then we put Valerie in... and the darn buckle was broken! So I had to go find another cart and do the whole process over again! They're still small and we couldn't tighten the straps as tight as we wanted. All that for a few bags of mulch and trash bags! I do wish I would have brought my camera and taken a pic of the girls in the cart, they looked cute! We planted a few tree and bushes on the side of our house. Zac loves helping Daddy!
Me holding Baby Tristan
I had to take a pic of Zac wearing the SpongeBob bib Grandma Jane made him.
Before... (side of house, our bedroom/bathroom)
Monday, April 12, 2010
April So Far
Here's the April pics so far that didn't fall under the Deanna Rose and Easter updates. Yay! I'm now up-to-date with our blog... until next weekend!
Valerie got her first tooth in (bottom, right)! It was on Thursday, March 25, 2010( 2 days after she turned 1). She wouldn't cooperate, so a week later I finally had to hold her down so I could take a pic!
Valerie looking out the window, deep in thought. Probably thinking of how to escape after the above ordeal!
I finally sorted all 88 outfits the girls received for their 1st birthday. Not too shabby!
Wearing Mommy's shades!
Bare butt Val! I have a similar pose like this of Zac. They're all going to kill me later!
End of March
I've uploaded recent and random pictures since my last update (right before the girls' 1st birthday). These are several snap shots that I've taken throughout the days, not fitting into the birthday or Easter blog. Enjoy!
Turkey time! There's one to the left (by the rock) and 3 to the right (on the other side of the sign).
Valerie chilling in her walker and watching cartoons. We call her Zac Jr.!
And he's out- as long as he has his "babies".
Hi Valerie! She wants to help me with the laundry.
Mr Squirrel eating the sunflower seeds they birds have dropped.
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