We celebrated the girls' birthday at Tim's Pizza on Sunday, March 28 at 1pm. We had a great turnout- over 30 of our closest family and friends came to celebrate! I cannot believe how great the girls were- they were perfect! No whining or crying- well, what do you expect when they got passed around the entire time? Unfortunately Zac wasn't feeling well. He threw up (made it to the bathroom with Dad) and then knocked his drink over and got his pants wet. I had forgotten to pack his sippy cup and I didn't bring a change of clothes because we had him wear a pull-up (in case he didn't tell us when he needed to potty with all the fun!) Vanessa and Valerie got clothes, clothes, and more clothes! No complaints here, they have a new spring/summer wardrobe!
We put the girls in the highchairs while we set up. Val- R

My friend Melissa came early to help. Nessa-R

Still won't look at me! Val-R

The birthday party table! I framed their individual photos and had people sign the matting as a keepsake for them :D

Val's foot was a little too close to the cake!

Pizza time!

Great grandpa Bill & Great grandma Jane with Nessie.

Val & Melissa

Daddy holding a sick Zac.

Uncle Chuck & Ness

Ness & Aunt Rachelle

Mimi Donna, Val, and cousin Hanah

Our family & friends!

Aunt Becky & Ness

Getting ready to sing "Happy Birthday". Val-R

Present time! Val is smiling, not sure why Nessie is laying down...

And more presents!

Ness tearing into the presents!

No time to stop for pics Mom! Val-R

Great grandma Jane loving on Val.

Posing in front of their individual cookies- they weren't' interested in them, too many people to hold them! Val-R

Val showing off her new trick to Wes- she's discovered her middle finger to pick her nose! Hey, it is the longest finger, haha!

Our one family pose (at the end of the party) so all kids are tired. Ness-R
This will be one to remember- Zac is not wearing any pants while holding a yo-yo!

Hi Zac! He was looking out the window as everyone was leaving.
Trying out their new wagon from Mimi Donna & Papa Randy.
I think they like it! Val-R

Last birthday party picture. Val-R

The cool balloon arrangements Granny B bought.

Their 15 seconds of fame!

They were on the Fox 4 News 1st Birthdays!
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