My good friend Lindsey became a mommy on Friday, April 16, 2010 at 1:27 pm! Tristan Lee is a happy, healthy boy and has 2 very proud parents! Saturday morning I got up after only 6 hours of sleep. We got the kids bathed and ready and dropped them off at Granny B's. Ryan and I were headed to see that baby boy!It was like
déjà vu driving to St. Joseph Medical Center, although I was the visitor this time! I already forgot how tiny babies are, even though it's only been over a year since I was in her place. Tristan is a beautiful baby boy! Afterward we went picked up the kids and went to get our haircuts- me, Ryan, and Zac. It was an interesting appointment. Before the girls had outgrown the infant car seats, we could easily tote them around. Now they're in the big girl car seats and they're not walking soooo it's like what do we do with them now? We managed, and were ready to get dinner and go home. What a day!
Me holding Baby Tristan

Sunday was also interesting. Who would have thought a simple trip to Lowe's with the family could be so tiring? I knew they had carts with two seats. I went up front, found a cart, and brought it back to the car. Ryan strapped Vanessa in and figured out how to tighten the straps. Then we put Valerie in... and the darn buckle was broken! So I had to go find
another cart and do the whole process over again! They're still small and we couldn't tighten the straps as tight as we wanted. All that for a few bags of mulch and trash bags! I do wish I would have brought my camera and taken a pic of the girls in the cart, they looked cute! We planted a few tree and bushes on the side of our house. Zac loves helping Daddy!
I had to take a pic of Zac wearing the SpongeBob bib Grandma Jane made him.

No, I don't run a daycare- these are all
my kids!

Red bud branch up close.

Start walking girls! Val-R

Val pressing her face against the window.

Vanessa looking at Sammy & Freddie.

Zac looks like a little man wearing Daddy's hat!

Zac napping in the car... and Nessie's foot!
Before... (side of house, our bedroom/bathroom)

Standing on the pile of mulch.

During.... Zac helping Dad dig holes.

After... Zac's getting ready to help me water.

My big (and proud) helper!
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